Victims and Survivors of Crime Week is an annual outreach initiative of the Justice Canada Policy Centre for Victim Issues (PCVI) taking place this year from November 22-28, 2020.
This week is dedicated to working to give victims and survivors a more effective voice in the criminal justice system and to raise awareness about the challenges and needs, and about the services, assistance and laws in place to help.
The theme for this year is Recognizing Courage, Renewing Commitment.
It takes great courage for victims and survivors of crime and their families to share their stories and persevere through each day in the aftermath of violence. Courage allows those impacted to choose their path forward, not without fear, but in spite of it.
This year, Candace House is taking part in Victims and Survivors of Crime Week by working to Recognize Courage through sharing the stories and art of victims, survivors and families. These will be shared throughout Victims Week on our website and social media pages.
If you are a victim, survivor or family member that has experienced violent crime and would like to share your story, we would love to hear from you. Find out more information here.
We will also be taking part by hosting live virtual tours. This will be an opportunity for us to share personally about the impact Candace House is having and Renew our Commitment to supporting victims, survivors and families. Sign up for a tour by completing the event registration below. We look forward to "seeing" you!
Register for a Tour
Due to COVID-19, we are unfortunately unable to hold our annual in-person open house. In lieu of this, we invite you to take part in our live virtual tour of Candace House.
All tours will take place throughout the day on Saturday, November 28th. Tours are approximately 30 minutes long with 15 minutes available at the end for Q&A.