Recognizing Courage, Renewing Commitment
Survivor Stories is a guest blog that shares the experiences of those who have been impacted by violent crime, such as the criminal death of a loved one.
The goal of this blog is to create awareness and understanding of the impact of violent crime and the challenges and needs that arise. As well as to highlight the strength, courage and resilience of victims and survivors, as well as the concerns, struggles and disappointments.
These stories and experiences are shared in many different ways, including through written posts, artwork, short videos, and poems. Every story is unique which means the ways in which experiences are conveyed are also unique.
Our hope is that by sharing these stories those who experienced violence and loss will feel less alone. We also hope that the community, our funders and partners, and all those working in the many organizations, agencies and systems who come into contact with victims and survivors, will hear these stories and know how we can better offer support.
If you are a victim, survivor or family member who has experienced violent crime and would like to share your story, we would love to hear from you. Find out more information here.
This blog was created in conjunction with Victims and Survivors of Crime Week 2020. It takes great courage for victims and survivors of crime and their families to share their stories and persevere through each day in the aftermath of violence. Courage allows those impacted to choose their path forward, not without fear, but in spite of it.