Share Your Story
If you're a family member who has received support from Candace House, we would love to hear from you
Candace House is expanding to make sure that every family who has lost a loved one has support, care, and a place to call their own as they navigate the justice system. Too many families are being turned away because we currently do not have enough room.
As we work to increase our space and services, we want to share the impact that Candace House makes to help raise awareness and funds.

We are looking for individuals and/or families to submit 3 second to 2 minute long videos (but you can submit as many as you like) talking about your experience with the legal system, the impact of Candace House, and helping us to raise support.
Your stories will then be shared publicly on our website, social media accounts and in e-newsletters that we send to our supporters.
As a thank you for your time and willingness to share your story, each person who submits a video will receive a $15 honorarium.
If you would rather share your story and experience in writing, we would love to hear from you as well. Just send us an email at info@candacehouse.
You can also email your videos to info@candacehouse.ca
Stories are the best way to connect with people and to raise awareness about the impact of violence and how Candace House is helping families following such loss. We want to hear the stories from your heart that you are willing to share. Stories that will make people laugh, cry, and inspire passion from others to support your family and other families just like yours.
More than anything, please make sure you practice good self-care.
If you become distressed at any point, please stop.
Our Goals
To raise funds for the Candace House expansion
To inspire our community and donors
To increase awareness about why Candace House is needed

Loss, Grief and Court Sytem Involvement
Share about the experience of losing your loved one and tell a story about what it was like to attend court proceedings and justice system related meetings.
(Each story/experience should be no longer than 2 minutes in length, but you can share and submit more than one experience/story.)
Some Ideas:
What was it like attending court and going into justice system buildings? (having no safe space, sharing bathrooms and hallways with the public/media/accused supporters, having to relive what happened, sitting in court all day, not knowing what will happen, seeing the accused, etc.)
What was the financial cost of having to take time off work, and pay for travel and accommodations?
If you had been at Candace House, but weren’t able to come back because there was another family, what was that like?
What do you think the experience would have been like if you hadn’t been able to receive support from Candace House? How would you have felt?

Candace House Impact
Tell a story about an experience or share a particular memory about the impact that Candace House made for you and your family.
(Each story/experience should be no longer than 2 minutes in length, but you can share and submit more than one story/experience.)
Some Ideas:
Share about a specific way that Candace House offered support and what it meant to you. This could be related to:
Safe and comforting homelike day refuge
Meal program
Emotional and mental health care
Activities (arts, crafts, games, etc.)
General support from staff
Court accompaniment
Legal/justice system information
Collaborative and spiritual care (elders or other organization support staff coming to Candace House)
What was it like being able to have your family around?
What was your favorite meal and why?
Do you have a particular memory of Candace House that really stands out?
Did Candace House feel like home? If so, how?
In what way did this support help you?
How did it make you feel to have this kind of support?

Please support Candace House
Help Candace House ask the community for their support through donations.
(Each story/experience should be no longer than 2 minutes in length, but you can share and submit more than one experience/story.)
Some ideas:
Share why you think people should donate to Candace House and our expansion
“By making a donation today, you’ll help families, just like mine.”
“Please, donate today.”
If you’re a family member that has received support from Candace House and has also donated, share why you donated.

Thank You
Without support from our community, Candace House would not be here. Help us say thanks for the incredible generosity.
(Each story/experience should be no longer than 2 minutes in length, but you can share and submit more than one experience/story.)
We invite you to create your own thank you message. But if you can’t think of something, here are some ideas
“Thank you.”
“Thank you for supporting me and my family.”
“Thank you for making a difference”
“From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for supporting my family, and other families just like mine.
Feel free to introduce yourself and your loved one in the video. However, this is not required.
Ex. “My name is (your name). I lost my (relationship of victim to you), (name), in (year).”
Ex. "My name is Cecilly. I lost my brother, Trenton, in 1996."
Keep any one video submitted to no longer than 2 minutes.
Feel free to submit one or as many videos as you would like (5 per upload)
Ex. Submit 1 video talking about coming to court, 2 about specific memories you have of being at Candace House, and 1 thank you video message
You can change your mind at any time. If you send us a video, but then decide you don’t want to have it shared, just send us an email and we’ll remove it immediately.
Helpful video tips:
Try to eliminate any background noise.
Set up your phone on a stable surface so the video doesn’t shake.
Film horizontally rather than vertically.
Record in a well-lit room with lighting even across your face.
Submit your video below or email them to us at info@candacehouse.ca
Any questions? Just call or send us an email!
204-515-4125 or info@candacehouse.