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Partnership Spotlight: Ka Ni Kanichihk / Medicine Bear Counselling

Hello! My name is Tobi Jolly, I am the coordinator for the Medicine Bear Counselling, Support, and Elder Services program with Ka Ni Kanichihk. This program works to support families of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2-Spirit Individuals.

I have been a part of this program for approximately a year and a half. During that time, I have partnered extensively with Candace House and requested their supports frequently. Along with the families I serve I have attended preliminary trials, month-long trials, sentencing hearings and decisions, meetings with Crown Attorneys, and upcoming we will journey through an appeal together, all at Candace House. Together with my families and Candace House staff, we have gotten good news, bad news, heard frightening information, been given hope, and experienced every kind of emotion that comes with complex trauma.

I could not quantify to you how significant Candace House's space, services, and staff have been to my families. This organization from the ground up has been dreamed, planned, designed, and implemented with families - like the ones that I serve - in mind. There are victims' families who would not engage with the justice system at all if it were not for Candace House. Additionally, the Candace House team has created an environment where I as a support person can feel like a part of a community team, sharing in the difficult journey of vicarious trauma.

If you would like to learn more about Ka Ni Kanichihk and the Medicine Bear Counselling program, please check out our website or contact me at or 204-953-5820.


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