What do Spinal Cerebellar Ataxia, the New York Marathon, and Candace House have in common?
Me! (Carla Loeppky, Board Chair of the Candace House Board of Directors)
Some of you may know that I have a progressive neurological disorder called Spinal Cerebellar Ataxia (SCA) — a condition that primarily impacts my balance and vision. I have had it since birth but only started experiencing symptoms in my late twenties. Now, on the cusp of my 50th year, my day to day life looks a little different than it used to!
You might also know that I like running. Not for speed but definitely for mental and physical health. A few months ago, in a moment of recklessness, I applied to the lottery for a chance to run in the New York City Marathon. And, against some pretty crazy odds, was successful at securing a spot!!!
Because of the SCA, I will be running as an Athlete with a Disability and have access to a support runner (my son Henry!!!). This means that on November 6, 2022, Henry and I will be toodling through New York City, enjoying every minute of a highly painful experience. [We have a great support team as well — special kudos to Shelly and Brina for being the absolute best]