Family Fun Day BBQ
Candace House Fundraising Event
July 26, 2015
A most sincere thank you to everyone who attended and helped promote our FUNdraising event by sharing it on social media and with family and friends. And of course, a big thank you also to those who continue to support Candace House through your financial donations.
A special thank you to our key volunteers, Chassity McIntyre, Sharon Milan, Shelley Marshall, and Veronica Gagnon who worked hard to make our Family Fun Day even more spectacular!
Event Host: Ace Burpee
Event Planning and Event Day Volunteers: Chassity & Mike McIntyre, Shelley Marshall, Sharon & Kelly Milan, Beau Downey, Veronica Gagnon, Ann & Mark Poole, Getty & Darryl Stewart, Matthew Dueck
Event Promotion: Candace House Board and Staff
Facility Host: Eastview Community Church
Entertainment and Activities: Clowns, Magicians and More, Graham’s Pony Rides
Food: Steven Shuster, Dare Foods; Springfield Meats; Old Country Meat & Sausage
Silent Auction Donors: Aloha Beauty & Spa, Appelts Diamonds, Assiniboine Credit Union, Beau Downey & Veronica Gagnon, Corydon Physiotherapy Clinic, Sharon & Kelly Milan, FWS Group of Companies, Cari Roller; Grace Café, Jane Gagnon, Lona Hedgemen, Lifestyle Spa, Petland, Pineridge Hollow, Strauss Event and Association Management, Jonathan Strauss, Tower Engineering, Jack Abiusi, Wall Grain Handling System, Denise & Dave Wall, Winnipeg Jets, Val & Wayne DeJaegher

Event Photos