Our Team
Our staff and board is composed of victims and survivors of crime as well as professionals with various backgrounds to help operate and govern Candace House.
Cecilly Hildebrand, Executive Director
Taylor Kerelluke, Director of Operations
Amber Neufeld, Victim-Family Support Liaison
Jericho Noskey, Victim-Family Support Liaison
Camryn Neufeld, Victim-Family Support Liaison
Board of Directors
Carla Loeppky, President
Terri Scott, Treasurer
Melina Elliot, Director
Sande Higgins, Director
Michelle Hykaway, Director
Katherine Stanley, Director
Jillian Waruk, Director
Jennifer Wood, Director
Odia Reimer, Director and Derksen Family Representative
*The Board of Directors is also delighted to have Candace House visionary, Wilma Derksen, serving as an Honorary Director.